June 3, 2009

WarVOX 1.0.1 – A Telephony Analysis & War Dialing Suite

WarVOX is a suite of tools for exploring, classifying, and auditing telephone systems. Unlike normal wardialing tools, WarVOX works with the audio from each call and does not use a modem directly. This allows WarVOX to find and classify a wide range of interesting lines, including modems, faxes, voice mail boxes, PBXs, loops, dial tones, IVRs, and forwarders. WarVOX provides the unique ability to classify all telephone lines in a given range, not just those connected to modems, allowing for a comprehensive audit of a telephone system.

WarVOX requires no telephony hardware and is massively scalable (and completely anonymous) by leveraging Internet-based VoIP providers. A single instance of WarVOX on a 1 mbit broadband connection, with a typical VoIP account, can scan over 1,000 numbers per hour. The speed of WarVOX is limited only by downstream bandwidth (64k per 711u channel) and the limitations of the VoIP service. Using four providers with over 80 concurrent lines we have been able to scan entire 10,000 number prefixes within 90 minutes!

Changes since the original 1.0.0 release include:

  • License changed to BSD, no restrictions on commercial use.
  • Support number exclusion lists / black lists (regex based).
  • Support for phone number ranges in addition to masks.
  • Support for multiple ranges and masks per job.
  • Numerous bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Command line script for exporting dial results (bin/export_list.rb).

You can download Warvox 1.0.1 here or read more here.