Norton ConnectSafe

Norton ConnectSafe is a free public DNS service offered by Symantec Corporation that claims to offer a faster and more reliable web browsing experience while blocking undesirable websites.

Users can use Norton ConnectSafe by setting their DNS server addresses to those of the Norton ConnectSafe servers. Client software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Android is available to automatically configure devices to use Norton ConnectSafe.

DNS queries routed through Norton ConnectSafe are checked using the Norton Safe Web database to ensure that they do not point to malicious or inappropriate websites. Symantec thus seeks to block malware and phishing attempts, as well as pornographic and inappropriate websites if the user desires.

Policy A — Security

This policy blocks all sites hosting malware, phishing sites, and scam sites. To choose Policy A, use the following IP addresses as preferred and alternate DNS server addresses:

Policy B — Security + Pornography

In addition to blocking unsafe sites, this policy also blocks access to sites that contain sexually explicit material.