January 13, 2013

Find Dell Service Tags in Windows and Linux

From time to time its necessary to have the Dell Service tag for a server in order to download updated software, drivers and to request onsite service in the event of a hardware failure. The Dell Support Site shows the physical location of the service tag and express code stickers for various Dell hardware models.

In the event you don’t have physical access to a server you can request the service tag at the OS level using the following commands for Linux and Windows:

Windows Systems

Login to the Windows remote-host using Remote Desktop or VNC then use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMIC) to quiery the service tag:

C:\>wmic bios get serialnumber

Following WMIC syntax will provide the service tag along with the model number of the server:

C:\>wmic csproduct get vendor,name,identifyingnumberIdentifyingNumber    Name                Vendor
ZZDDEE7              PowerEdge R710      Dell Inc.

Alternatively, you can remotely query the Service Tag of a remote server as long as you have login credentials available to you:

C:\>wmic /user:administrator /node:remote-host bios get serialnumber

Linux Systems

Login to the remote Linux server using SSH then use dmidecode to query the service tag:

[server]# dmidecode -s system-serial-number

Alternatives for Linux are outlined here.